Thursday, December 31, 2009

Clemmons Photo Session

Okay Mom and Dad I know that you haven't seen the photos yet so I am posting a few for you to get a peek! They are beautiful!! I love the photos with the bubbles, she was so mesmerised with them.

I will have the proofs listed soon! Click to enlarge and enjoy!

Stephanie and Jeremy Pregnancy Photos

Okay, so I must say I am very partial to this little tummy! This is our little grandson in there. I think that the photos turned out great and we are now waiting for little baby Addison to emerge. He will be here sometime within the next couple of months. As you would expect, mom and dad can't wait.... Click to enlarge. Enjoy!

Smith Family NC

I met the Smith family at their beautiful home. They were wonderful to work with and so were their four children! We took a hike down behind their home on a path that led out to a beautiful location with horses and a fence in the background then we went back up to their home. Part of the order that the family bought was a large canvas that will be framed and placed above the fireplace. I can't wait to see it finished! Remember, you can click on the photo to enlarge. Enjoy!

Stewart Family Farm in NC

This family was great to spend an afternoon with for a couple of hours. Stewart seemed to have a love for his green John Deer Truck (he cried because the battery had died) and didn't want to part with it for anything! Mom and dad were able to get his mind off of it long enough however to play some ball out in the field...where the cows and steers were! Click the photo to enlarge for a larger view. Enjoy!

Anderson Family

Hello everyone! I have been so busy that I have not had any time to stop and put anything on the blog to update! Thank the good Lord for the work, I am not complaining at all. So, I guess the only thing that I can do to show some of the work that I have been doing is to sorta go backwards and talk a little about some of the families that I have worked with since my last blog! Here we go.....:)
The Anderson family was photographed back in the November, they have three beautiful daughters and we were out on the family farm. We took pictures by the water and the weather was PERFECT! The leaves were all over the ground, so I decided to rake up a huge pile for the kids to play in. They loved it! They were tossing leaves everywhere..then there's the old green truck that I found, wow!! This one was my favorite. You can click on the photo to enlarge. Enjoy!