Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Trash the Dress'

Okay, so this post is for some of you who have not heard of "Trash the Dress".

This actually means to that after your wedding, you take your beautiful wedding dress (hopefully your new groom will take part) and find something wild, crazy, and fun to do (while wearing your wedding dress of course) that will make others look at your photos and think you have lost your mind!

I have been fortunate enough to have met my next "Trash the Dress" bride. Her name is Erica and her wedding will be here in just a few short days! Am I excited? You bet I am!

How did the "Trash the Dress" even start? Here's what I found......

Trash the dress, also known as fearless bridal or rock the frock, is a style of photography that contrasts elegant clothing with an environment in which it is out of place.

Usually brides decide to have pictures taken on a beach, but other locations include city streets, rooftops, garbage dumps, fields, and abandoned buildings.

Some sources claim that the trend was originally started in 2001 by Las Vegas wedding photographer John Michael Cooper. However, the idea of destroying a wedding dress has been used in Hollywood symbolically since at least October 1998 when Meg Cummings of the show Sunset Beach ran into the ocean in her wedding dress after her wedding was badly interrupted. Since then the style has spread around the world and most notably in the UK, with photographers like Steve Gerrard and Mark Theisinger, amongst others, shoot their unique ideas of Trash the Dress.

A model often wears a ball gown, prom dress or wedding dress, and may effectively ruin the dress in the process by getting it wet, dirty or in extreme circumstances tearing or destroying the garment.

It may be done as an additional shoot after the wedding, almost as a declaration that the wedding is done and the dress will not be used again. It is seen as an alternative to storing the dress away, never to be seen again.

Interested in trashing your wedding dress at your wedding or have your dress tucked away in a closet somewhere that will never be worn again?

Lets Trash the Dress!! :D

Lori L Suggs

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The love of photography...and family

I have done it yet again, I have let a lot of time go by since my last blog. I have something to blame it on though, it's that "Facebook" thing! :) I just find that my schedule has been pretty busy shooting and then trying to keep up my Facebook page for Lori Leigh's Photography. It may not really sound like a lot but, at any rate, I am still behind!!

I have been very busy with upcoming weddings. The bridal shoots and engagement shoots, Easter that has just recently passed, and the beginning of the beach portrait season. Oh, how I love the summer time as spring is quickly in the air. This is when the photography keeps me VERY busy and I am very grateful.

As I am writing this blog this morning at 4:30 am I wanted to leave a message through my post today. Love and appreciate those that are around you. Life passes by very slowly when you are a child and entering your teenage years, however, when you reach adult hood and start looking backwards you realize that life has swiftly been moving right along.

My father is undergoing major surgery next week out of state, I will, as well as my brother and sisters be there to support him and my mother through the whole ordeal. It is anticipated that part, if not all of one lung may have to be removed and a repair of a hole in his esophagus will be done.

It seems as though it was just yesterday that my father was picking me up from preschool (I am the baby in the family) and walking me home. I remember the sun, the dogs barking on the side of the road, but mostly, I remember him holding my hand. I am confident that my father will recover quickly and that he will be with us for many years to come but as the bible says, we are never promised tomorrow.
This of course is where photography is such a wonderful thing. The expression "A picture is worth a thousand words" is true, however, to elaborate even further, a picture is also worth a thousand emotions! Photographs can instantly take us back to another time, another place and stir emotion. Photos capture all of that with one click!
I have two new grandbabies Brison and Addision, both a day apart! They are beautiful and we love them dearly! So today I am including photos of them for you to see....

Thanks for checking out my blog, I will try to become more consistent in my post!

Lori :)

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